The Waters™ Performance Maintenance Kit for the ACQUITY UPLC TUV/PDA contains all of the Waters Quality Parts™ necessary to keep your instrument operating at peak performance on an annual basis. It is used in ACQUITY UPLC PDA Detectors, ACQUITY eLambda PDA Detector, ACQUITY UPLC TUV Detectors, 2489 Dual Wavelength UV Detector and the 2998 PDA Detector. The old part number was 201000186. The Waters™ Performance Maintenance Kit includes the following parts: PerformancePLUS™ Long Life Lamp which is warranted for a lifetime of 2000 hours or 1 year, whichever comes first.
UNSPSC | 41115854 |
Brand | ACQUITY |
Product Type | Performance Maintenance Kits |
Units per Package | 1 pk |
Type | Performance Maintenance |
System Type | HPLC, UPLC |
Replacement Schedule | Annual |
1. 售后服务的咨询时间为工作日8:30-17:30,服务热线:40066-51177。
2. 仪器设备的质量保证期为:一年,自客户收到货之日起算。
3. 在质量保证期内,免费为客户提供电话技术指导和有限维修服务。
4. 在质量保证期届满后,继续为客户提供货物的维修服务,并以优惠的价格提供配件、耗材。
5. 因实验室商品的特殊性,非质量问题商品及特殊商品将无法退换货,经过商城审核通过后方可办理,详见“退换货政策”。
6. 如需退换货的,需要符合退换货要求,经过商城审核通过后方可办理,详见“退换货政策”。
7. 自产品售出之日(以实际收货日期为准)起7日内可以申请退换货,客户可在线提交退换货申请或者与客服联系办理退换货事宜。
8. 商城可为客户提供仪器维护、检测、送检、维修等各项服务,详细请咨询客服。