General description
Amberlite® XAD®-2 is a strongly acidic ion-exchange resin.[1]
Amberlite® XAD®-2 may be used as a stationary phase material for the solid phase extraction (SPE) of phenolic acids and flavonols from honey samples prior to their identification by high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection (HPLC-DAD),[1] phthalate esters (PAEs) from hydroalcoholic food beverages prior to their determination by gas chromatography (GC) equipped with flame ionization detector (FID) as well as ion-trap mass spectrometry detector (IT/MS),[2] benzoic and sorbic acids in quince jam prior to their analysis by isocratic HPLC combined with photodiode array (PDA) detector [3] and organophosphorus pesticides in natural and drinking waters prior to their determination by GC-FID or GC coupled to nitrogen-phosphorus detector (NPD).[4]
用于分子量高达 20,000 的疏水性化合物的多环芳烃吸附剂树脂,具体用途包括酚类和有机物的去除,表面活性剂、芳香化合物和抗生素的回收。可用作催化或金属去除的助剂。经整理的美国环保局版本请参见 Supelpak-2 和 Supelpak-2B。
packaging | pkg of 5 kg |
matrix | styrene-divinylbenzene (macroreticular) |
particle size | 20-60 mesh |
pore size | ~0.65 mL/g pore volume |
90 Å mean pore size | |
surface area | ~300 m2/g |
density | 1.02 g/mL at 25 °C (true wet)(lit.) |
1.08 g/mL at 25 °C (skeletal)(lit.) |
1. 售后服务的咨询时间为工作日8:30-17:30,服务热线:40066-51177。
2. 仪器设备的质量保证期为:一年,自客户收到货之日起算。
3. 在质量保证期内,免费为客户提供电话技术指导和有限维修服务。
4. 在质量保证期届满后,继续为客户提供货物的维修服务,并以优惠的价格提供配件、耗材。
5. 因实验室商品的特殊性,非质量问题商品及特殊商品将无法退换货,经过商城审核通过后方可办理,详见“退换货政策”。
6. 如需退换货的,需要符合退换货要求,经过商城审核通过后方可办理,详见“退换货政策”。
7. 自产品售出之日(以实际收货日期为准)起7日内可以申请退换货,客户可在线提交退换货申请或者与客服联系办理退换货事宜。
8. 商城可为客户提供仪器维护、检测、送检、维修等各项服务,详细请咨询客服。